Get in touch with the Anti-scam Team

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Your questions answered (F.A.Q.)

Common Questions

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The Polkadot Anti-Scam Team is a community-driven group who monitor and report potential scams within the Polkadot ecosystem. Their primary goal is to protect users by raising awareness and providing education on how to recognize and avoid scams.

The team uses a combination of automated tools and community reports to identify potential scams. This includes monitoring social media, forums, and other platforms where the Polkadot community is active.

If you suspect a scam, you should report it immediately to the Polkadot Anti-Scam Team through the official channels provided on the Polkadot network’s website. Include all relevant information such as screenshots, URLs, and a detailed description of the suspicious activity.

Yes, the Polkadot Anti-Scam Team welcomes new volunteers who are committed to the safety and security of the community.

Right now the application process is closed, but you can contact the team via discord or email and request more information.