Anti-Scam Bounty Spends Report  – (February 2023 – February 2024)


The anti-scam team is an off-chain collective that safeguards the Polkadot community against scams. This is done by taking actions that will help reduce these scam activities and protect the community from them. 

At the operational level, the initiatives that are run by the team are divided into tasks, which are worked on by implementers and managed by child curators/task managers. At the administrative level, the team is managed by General Administrators who are responsible for running administrative activities including proposing changes, voting on them, recruitments, etc. 

Among the Administrators, are Track Managers who are responsible for managing each of the 5 tracks in the team. Since 2021, the team has been funded by Bounty 11 and the Bounty has received 2 top-ups so far. 

This report contains a detailed break-down of spends since the last top-up



The Bounty was topped up in February 2023 with $498,630 (72,486 DOT). 

A total of 63,115 DOT was spent over 1 year (February 2023 to February 2024). 9,591.86 DOT currently sits in the Bounty’s system account and 500 DOT in the Curator Pure Proxy account. This amounts to a total remaining balance of 10,093.102 DOT.

A total of 239 child bounties have been awarded since the last top-up.



The team currently has 24 members consisting of implementers, administrators, curators, and an advisor from the Web3 Foundation.

Out of these, 2 members are associates who are currently inactive



21 members are currently actively contributing to tasks, while 8 members carry out administrative duties. Note that some admins are implementers too.


Spends per operations unit

This section shows the amount of DOT spent in individual operation units


Per track


Amount spent on Admin vs Non-Admin tasks

76.6% of funds spent was on Non-administrative tasks, while 25.4% was spent on Administrative tasks


Total spent per task



Total spent per month

An average of 5,260 DOT was spent on tasks monthly.


Total spent per Implementer


Total spent per Child Curator




AccountBalance in DOTBalance in USD (19/02/2024)
Bounty 11 System Account9,591.8673,147.52
General Curator pure proxy501.2423,822.47



  • Payouts Data: Link
  • Members: Link 
  • Scam Social media taken down so far: Link
  • Scam Sites Taken down so far: Link
  • Phishing Repository: Link
  • Database of DNS Registrars: Link
  • Twitter: Link
  • Monthly General Administrator reports: Link
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